Educational Webinars

Knowledge is Power

Upcoming Educational Webinars

Options Trading with Jeffrey Beamer

Sign up for avant garde’s free educational webinar featuring Jeffrey Beamer covering options trading.

Details to follow, so save your spot today to secure your recorded replay and free giveaway from Jeffrey!

September 24th, 3:30pm Central Time

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Keith Harwood Covers Options Trading

Sign up for avant garde’s free educational webinar featuring Keith Harwood as he discusses options trading.

Details to follow, so save your spot today to secure your recorded replay and free giveaway from Keith!

October 5th, 3:30pm Central Time

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Avant-Garde Trading Securities is not affiliated with any investment authors or traders and do not endorse or warrant the content, services, or products offered by any educational webinar. Options transactions are complex and carry a high degree of risk. They are intended for sophisticated investors and are not suitable for everyone. For more information, see the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. All content, tools and calculations provided herein are for educational and informational purposes only. You are fully responsible for any investment decision you make. Avant-Garde Trading Securities makes no investment recommendations and does not provide financial, tax, or legal advice.