Program Trading

Trade Your Program. Let Us Execute.


Trade stock and option recommendations from various newsletter publishers. Please register with a newsletter of your choice and call us to find out if that program can be executed via a Letter of Direction. You must also have an Avant-Garde Trading Account before you can start trading your subscription.

What Is Letter of Direction Trading?

Many investors prefer to have a professional broker auto-execute their trades based on the recommendations of independent third parties.  A Letter of Direction (“LOD”) is a form that authorizes your broker to execute trades generated by your chosen system for your trading account.  Contact us for more information about LOD trading.

Avant-Garde Trading is not affiliated with any financial newsletter or publisher, and does not endorse or warrant the content, services or products offered by any financial newsletter or publisher. Use of a financial newsletter and its services and products is at your own risk, and without guarantee or warranty of any kind from Avant-Garde Trading Securities.

Options Involve substantial risk and are not suitable for all investors. Please read characteristics and risks of standardized options prior to investing.

SEC Auto-Trading Information

FINRA Day Trading Link